Magnus K Larson

Magnus K Larson, born 1974, and raised on Klädesholmen on Tjörn, but for many years living and working in Kville on Hisingen in Gothenburg.

Magnus is an autodidact artist and his motifs are usually abstract. He works with a mixed media based on gouache.

“I never decide before which motif I will paint, only which colors I will use and then the motif will grow while painting, layer on layer. I get my inspiration from other art as well as from my surroundings,  from a broken facade, a rusty sheet or the clouds in the sky. “


Solo exhibitions

Barleys Food Factory, Gbg 2015

Majornas Bibliotek, Gbg 2016

Galleri Mitt i Centrum, Gbg 2016

Axelhuset, Gbg 2017

Hotell Arken, Gbg 2017

Galleri Lars Hjelm, Karlstad 2018

Galleri Sigma, Växjö, 2019

RiverCity Gallery, Göteborg, 2019

Klädesholmens Bibliotek, Klädesholmen 2022


Group exhibitions

Trollhättans Konsthall, Öppen Salong, Trollhättan 2015, 2016

Bohusläns Museum, Jurybedömd Bohussalong, Uddevalla 2015, 2017

Skaraborgssalongen, Skövde 2017

Flamenska Galleriet & Borås och Sjuhäradsbygdens Konstförenings jurybedömda Höstsalong, Borås 2017

Fyra från Höstsalongen 2017, Flamenska Galleriet Borås 2018

Julutställning, RiverCity Gallery, Göteborg 2018

Jubileumsutställning, RiverCity Gallery, Göteborg 2019

Samlingsutställning, Galleri Helle Knudsen, Stockholm, 2019

Samlingsutställning, Galleri Helle Knudsen, Simrishamn, 2019

Julutställning, RiverCity Gallery, Göteborg, 2021

Konst i sensommartid, RiverCity Gallery, Göteborg, 2023

Jubileumsutställning RiverCity Gallery 10 år, Göteborg 2024



Värmlands läns Landsting 

Region Sörmland


A selection of Magnus K Larsons art

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